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Bright | Toasted Nut | Tropical Fruit


Process: Washed

Grower / Region: Cooperativa de Caficultores de Tarrazú RL (COOPETARRAZU) / San Marcos de Tarrazú, San José, Costa Rica


Notes: Costa Rica Tarrazu La Pastora is a regional blend of raw coffee from a cooperative with more than 4,650 members from Tarrazu, a canton in the province of San Jose. Cooperativa de Caficultores de Tarrazú RL (Coopetarrazu) is designed to receive cherries from many small farms and consistently process their coffee into this well-balanced coffee. Like clockwork, a parade of vehicles of all sizes, from pick-up trucks to dump trucks coming from central receiving stations, arrive in the late afternoon full of cherries that were picked during the day. Over the next 72 hours the coffee is processed and left to dry for at least a month before heading to market. Coopetarrazu also has an intricate model of income diversification with a profitable agriculture supply store and grocery store. Because of this cooperative members have access to low interest loans and healthcare.

Costa Rica Tarrazu La Pastora - 16 oz

SKU: 004232020010
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